Generation S – Giant-Sized Issue #093 – The Consequence of Rebellion, and Answers [aka Hope, and Other Things] – Publication 10.17.2017

((This issue brings our shared logs current to the ongoing Issue Arc.  We hope that you enjoy and look forward to offering the next story in our saga soon!   –The Storyteller))


06[17:22] * @December finally BANGs their way out of the aethersphere, a wooden skewer of chicken caught in her teeth, slowing them down gradually as she turns them around the corner of the hedges and down the front drive.
06[17:33] * @Anne_Montelepre ‘s blood (or at least appetite) tells: she munches happily on a pack of vanilla Yan-yan’s, with a LARGE paper bag filled with other snacks on the floor of the cabin in front of her.
06[17:37] * @Hector` clutches onto his McDonald’s bag for dear life, an oversized cup of soda clutched between his thighs.
06[17:38] * @Shinjiro-kun serenely sips from a bowl of miso soup, his eyes closed as he breathes in the life-giving aroma.
06[17:39] * @Damion_Cross manages to read the words printed on one of Anne’s cookie sticks before it disappears first into the dipping spread, then into his Bandmate’s mouth.
[17:40] <@Damion_Cross> “‘Fox: Beware Of Lies’?…”
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Generation S – Giant-Sized Issue #092 – Go Directly to Yomi – Publication 05.02.2017

[16:47] <@Storyteller> |Time is a strange thing in (and perhaps outside of) this particular Terra Incognita. Whether it is the next day that we next greet our heroes, or weeks later, it is indeed, a new day. With hope, progress has been made in interpersonal relations (but probably not), skills have been honed, and generally, nobody has killed anybody else (maybe). It is undoubted, however, that if something doesn’t happen soon, someone, probably Anne, maybe Damion, perhaps even Hector, is going to make something happen. So let’s see what happens.|
[16:47] <@Storyteller> |The Current time is 1000 TIST.|
06[16:53] * @Anne_Montelepre, with her comic’s buffer long since filled, gives a final inspection to her latest project — a garment commissioned by Wraxian –before presenting it to her.
06[16:57] * @Hector` is out on the patio, doing some one-handed push-ups while Shinjiro runs laps in the gym.
06[17:00] * @Wraxian will likely not be excited so much as her Bandmates, who are likely getting likely twitchy about her ever-further fraying skirt of wires. She seems well absorbed in something on her PLD as she pads, more naked than not, at this point, to the main living area, lifting her head on a swivel in between steps, looking for someone, despite the fact that she probably can find any of them more easily than anyone else.
06[17:08] * @Damion_Cross quietly ‘modifies’ December’s coffee maker to use only half the water in its tank, effectively brewing double-strength as a result.
06[17:19] * @December ‘s tail is twitching double time as she does whatever it is she’s doing in her office. It might be as if someone fiddled with her coffee.
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Generation S – Issue #091 – Cages – Publication 11.02.2016

01[17:43] <@Storyteller> ((so the kids will be out of the scenario when we start, does anyone have anything in mind in terms of what you’d like to do in an intervening space/for PAs etc?))
[17:45] <@Conall`Curach> ((I have no plans!))
06[17:46] * @Damion_Cross pipes up, Fourth Wall be damned.
[17:48] <@Damion_Cross> “Lesse…could teach Kiyo to meow the lyrics to ‘In The Arms of The Angel’… ” XD
01[17:50] <@Storyteller> ((o.o))
[17:52] <@Hector`> We could go skeet shooting with your pigeons.
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Generation S – Issue #090 – Down Amongst the Dead(…mines) – Publication 09.06.2016

((Why yes, we ARE still alive and running. 
Life happens sometimes, and between our lives and the extensive complications of a few certain changes made by WordPress that have made editing the logs somewhat distinctly more… ‘fun’… this log (and others) are a more than a year overdue. 
This will hopefully be just the first in a small run of catch-ups– a deliberate stylistic change has meant logs are a little fewer and farther between, as they are meant to embody their titular ‘Issue’ concept and contain a completed, coherent story segment, rather than posting simply what progress had been made week over week.

To those who read, and remain, thank you for your patience, and your patronage. 

Without further ado, We continue our adventures…

 Warmest Regards,
~The Storyteller~   ))

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Generation S – Issue #089 – In the Face of Fate – Publication 03.22.16

[18:28] <@Anne_Montelepre> “…Keep talking and find out.”
[18:40] <@Shinjiro-kun> Mr. Cross, in case you were unaware, we had our greatest hour of triumph transformed into a shame known across the Worlds. We can smile when the job is done. This? This is simply a step along that path.
[18:41] <@Shinjiro-kun> Taking a gulp of air when one is still rising from the ocean floor is ill-advised.
06[18:43] * @Wraxian turns her head to Shinjiro, listening, head tilted slightly, bird-like.
[18:49] <@Shinjiro-kun> We can savor success when what was set wrong is put to rights again, and not before.
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Generation S – Issue #088 – Flames of Rage, Fires of Life, Sparks of Hope – Publication 01.20.16

01[18:40] <@Storyteller> <Gabriel, finally proudly upright and not being under immediate threat (mostly), takes a deep breath for a moment, primarily to clear his scattered thoughts, and secondarily, to appreciate the still-breathing-ness of it all. He looks around over the motley group, geared and quite ready for war, licking his lips slowly as his studies them (he’s probably parched- he’s not looking at anyone like they might make a nice meal). He glances at the back of the truck as he pauses, making a soft sound before his gaze finally returns to Anne, the querulous but cautious look in his eyes, on top of that thoughtfully inquisitive sound, combining to ask a silent question: ‘Weren’t there more of you, before?’ He wisely does not speak such, perhaps, instead, eventually getting around to answer her question.> “Targets are a trio of mortals- uh, mostly, maybe- in possession of a clutch of Wouive eggs stolen from the perpetrator of the Parisian, uh… Incident. Current location is reported to be a tomb about three klicks north-east of here. Orders are to send them forth to the collective Death Cabal gathered in Paris currently.”
01[18:40] <@Storyteller> <Gabriel> “With an extreme amount of prejudice, I might add.”
[18:41] <@Hector`> So find the egg-nappers, stomp ’em in the nuts, and give them to the Brutesquad. Sounds straightforward.
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Generation S – Issue #087 – The Long-Awaited Moments (Never Turn Out As Expected) – Publication 10.27.15

06[17:41] * @December makes her way through and out of Paris at a very nearly literal break-neck pace. The AWV seems to have a great suspension and some sort of defensive mechanisms that keep them all safely free of both mortal observation and interference. In short work she is racing the sun to the horizon, scanning the road and hills before her through the windscreen for some sign of whom- or what – they are supposed to be meeting.
06[17:45] * @Damion_Cross ‘s even taking a deep breath feels like an effort, given the heavy environment in the passenger bay.
06[17:49] * @Shinjiro-kun just watches Anne, saying nothing.
06[17:49] * @Hector` drums his stone fingers against the dashboard. “We gonna make it?”
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Generation S – Issue #086 – The Wake: Confrontation, Education, Mastication… Abduction – Publication 10.13.15

[17:12] <@Maddy> We don’t seem to have much of a choice.
06[17:13] * @Maddy looks grim, gripping Brynn tightly.
06[17:17] * @Anne_Montelepre scans the area….again.
01[17:17] <@Storyteller> `’•{{ You guys mentioned maybe running through names off camera- just as a reminder as you decide where you want to springboard to, from here. }}•’`
01[17:17] <@Storyteller> <Brynn continues shuddering faintly, his face hidden in Madison’s hair. The overwhelming amount of spirits in the area doesn’t seem to agree much with him.>
[17:18] <@Anne_Montelepre> ((Yeah))
06[17:18] * @Hector` watches the bean sidhe with a look of… not quite trepidation, but not comforting, either.
[17:19] <@Anne_Montelepre> “…Pretty sure they moved the….the eggs.”
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Generation S – Issue #085 – Answers Amidst the Ashes – Publication 07.16.15

[18:22] <@Hector`> What we aim to do and what we actually do ain’t always the same.
[18:24] <@Chris_Gravier> …is that not what’s happening?
06[18:25] * @Chris_Gravier chews on his lower lip, wondering if he’s once again letting his stupid show.
[18:27] <@Shinjiro-kun> Anne-chan is attempting to express that she was not expecting these accolades. She wanted a quiet inspiration, not a rousing parade in the streets.
[18:28] <@Chris_Gravier> Oh right. Well. Nothing we do is ever simple. I’ve given up on THAT notion.
[18:33] <@Shinjiro-kun> Quite so. Fate won’t see it that way.
[18:34] <@Chris_Gravier> We’re a hot mess bunch of kids before the whole children of the gods thing. You throw that in with it and well….
06[18:34] * @Chris_Gravier shrugs, gesturing around him.
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Generation S – Issue #084 – Rally – Publication 06.11.15

06[18:16] * @Anne_Montelepre , having lived (briefly) in the vicinity, begins thinking about places she’s personally aware of, glancing briefly towards Wraxian as she rejects the Hotel Plaza Athenee out of hand.
[18:19] <@Anne_Montelepre> “I’d suggest a smaller place…and that we buy it out for the duration of our stay.”
06[18:21] * @Hector` smirks a bit. “No repeats of Cairo this time, hopefully… eh, Shinji?”
06[18:22] * @Shinjiro-kun remains pointedly silent.
06[18:23] * @Wraxian cants her head faintly to the side, nodding gently as Anne speaks, responding softly, “It is already taken care of, Anne Montelepre.”
06[18:23] * @Anne_Montelepre clears her throat.
[18:24] <@Anne_Montelepre> “I was suggesting a smaller place because I’m concerned that our presence might invite an attack.”
[18:25] <@Shinjiro-kun> Something defensible would be advisable.
[18:25] <@Anne_Montelepre> “If, God –or Gods forbid — it happens, the fewer people potentially in the crossfire, the better.
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Generation S – Issue #083 – Orders – Publication 04.27.15

01[17:42] <@Storyteller> <Whether because it feels Anne needs a bit of space between the bombshell Fate just dropped upon her, or it simply feels ornery, those more familiar with the habits and hallways of the Terra Incognita, probably at some point, will start feeling like they’re taking the long way back to familiar territory.>
06[17:44] * @Hector` narrows his eyes, looking up at the house. “Hey, we’re in a hurry here. Cut the scenic route crap and get to the good part.”
06[17:49] * @Anne_Montelepre , it appears, might well need the aforementioned space, shaking her head and muttering to herself as she marched down the hallway. “.wasn’t supposed to happen, wasn’t supposed to happen–”
[17:49] <@Chris_Gravier> Can we land somewhere familiar, House? Like the land of sanity, if there is such a thing. Or fuck it, why not on the Wicked Witch of the East?
06[17:50] * @Damion_Cross , for his part immediately pulls his phone out as soon as it’s clear that they have reception once more, both to read the news and to blast out a text of his own.
06[17:53] * @Shinjiro-kun gives Chris a funny look. “Why are we trying to land on witches?”
[18:04] <@Chris_Gravier> At this point I have to ask myself why we haven’t already.
[18:05] <@Anne_Montelepre> “..C’n think of people I’d like to land on–
01[18:12] <@Storyteller> <The house continues to lead them on a windy path.> Continue reading

Generation S – Issue #082 – Reconciliation, Meditation, Exploration, Invention, Proposition, Visitation, Intimidation, Emancipation, Detonation – Publication 02.26.15

06[17:33] * @Wraxian spaces out silently, becoming still as she completely zones out in the wake of Hector’s inquiry.
06[17:43] * @Damion_Cross takes a deep breath, giving the Band his best I’m In No Way Whatsoever Up To Something” smile.
[17:44] <@Damion_Cross> “–So! What’s next?”
[17:47] <@Chris_Gravier> I… don’t know. Wraxian? Are you… ok?
[17:51] <@Wraxian> “Physical parameters remain dniw dmlanuiq dliqwbf standards, Christopher Valdoma. … currently processing research, specification sadj a ew ‘radio’.”
[17:52] <@Anne_Montelepre> “Indeed. What the hell is that, Wraxian?”
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Generation S – Issue #081 – Secrets in the Storm – Publication 11.11.14

01[18:01] <@Storyteller> <The enormous truck bounces and trundles along, the Kitsune flying solo at the helm making her way gradually out of Cairo at something less than her normal (somewhat literal) light-speed clip, the grit and sand wailing at the sides and top of the vehicle unrelenting, and growing more fierce, as they approach the outskirts of the city proper.>
[18:04] <@Chris_Gravier> bouncy bouncy bouncy….
06[18:06] * @Hector` leans back against the rear tailgate, shooting a glance from Anne to Chris to Anne to Chris, like he wants to say something but isn’t sure which way to aim it.
06[18:06] * @Baelic looks around the sitting area perhaps a little too closely.
06[18:08] * @Chris_Gravier follows Hector’s eyes until his own cross, at which point he asks: “Man, what?”
01[18:09] <@Storyteller> <Kiyo butts his head intrusively beneath Anne’s chin, purring like a small jet engine and eyeing Chris in a distinctly haughty manner, while licking his chops.>
06[18:09] * @Hector` shakes his head. “Just forget it. Let’s get this shit over with.”
[18:11] <@Chris_Gravier> Either speak up or quit it.
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Generation S – Issue #080 – This is Not the Wizard You Weren’t Looking For – Publication 08.18.14

01[17:20] <@Storyteller> <In theory, a sunrise has loomed behind an increasingly raging storm. Another day has come, with no sign of the storm abating, nor any of the promised contact from whatever Emissary is meant to reach out to them. Whether this is a good sign, or bad, but there is small uncertainty that continuing to pen scions- even in one of the nicest hotels in the world- is a poor plan for moving forwards…>
06[17:24] * @Wraxian very well may not have moved since… when was the last time anyone saw her move? When they got there? Since then, perhaps. She is nearly as still as a statue, her eyes almost always kept shut, offering little but her irksome brand of syllable salad and a few minor communications via manipulation of the giant flatscreen somewhere behind her spot on the couch. Much longer, and she might start melding into it. Or to smell. Probably both.
06[17:25] * @Shinjiro-kun has somehow managed to acquire another set of ingredients to make an extravagant breakfast, this time French fare. Mostly crepes.
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Generation S PA: Combat Review

01[17:17] <@Storyteller> <Nearly five hours later, the sun has begun setting, even if no one can actually see it through the depressingly unending storm of wind, ice, and sand. Perhaps, though, this is not the most depressing thing weighing young minds currently…>
06[17:16] * Shinjiro-kun uses the deck of playing cards, throwing them into a nearby hat one by one. With his epic dexterity, he hits every single throw, and that seems to be boring him as much as Not throwing the cards.
06[17:18] * @Anne_Montelepre is nowhere in sight, not having returned to the suite. After redressing (her t-shirt and jeans now thoroughly soaked from the failed decoy attempt) and ordering her troops (who, it appeared, she had trouble looking in the eye) to bring Madison’s abandoned gear to the suite and await her return, she marched down the stairs towards the ground floor, stopping for nothing and no one.
06[17:18] * @Wraxian is likely unmoved, still sitting upon the couch, unless someone has actually made some serious effort at moving her. At this rate, her limbs will start atrophying, in a few hundred years or so.
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Generation S PA: Chris and Hector – The Great Anti-Cunt Accords of 2014

[16:41] <@Conall`Curach> A short while after the spar session ended, Hector is sitting on the couch in the shared lounge, watching TV. He’s found an old episode of Kung Fu, and it is holding his interest for the moment.
06[16:50] * Chris_Gravier had disappeared rather quickly, locking himself in his room long enough to take a hot shower and change into a pair of red tear away pants with a white stripe down the leg, and an old thin black tshirt with Alice Cooper scrolled across the back. His hair is a mess, and he runs his fingers through it once before heading out into the common area. He spots Hector on the couch and sideskirts him, sweeping into the kitchen to open the refrigerator and stare inside.
[17:09] <@Conall`Curach> Hector glances up at Chris, leaving the boy to his own devices for the moment. David Carradine had just started kicking ass.
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Generation S PA: Shinjiro, The Spendthrift, and Wraxian – A Smith & Wesson Beats Four Aces

06[19:05] * @Wraxian hasn’t moved significantly since who knows when. She probably does, but the steel-rod stiffness with which she sits on the couch in silence, eyes closed, is unlikely to incline most towards braving whatever the Hades is wrong with her, now.
06[19:08] * @Shinjiro-kun approaches Wraxian, sitting across from her. “Are you bored, Wraxian?”
06[19:11] * @The_Unknown_Immortal stands to the right of the front door of the suite, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, both hands resting on the barrel of the black-powder carbine in front of him, butt resting on the ground. He is quite possibly putting Wraxian to shame on the “not moving significantly” part, though she has quite the head start: he only took up this position after the rest of the Class left the room.
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Generation S – Issue #079 – (Not Entirely) Friendly Fire – Publication 07.15.14

06[17:22] * @Wraxian <The display switches over to a fast forward of a dozen angles of the Hotel’s security cameras. They resume normal speeds early in the morning, as the one Baelic called Maeve enters the elevator on their floor, takes it down to the lobby and exits. The cameras fast forward some more but reveal no further documentation of the girl’s return, or the young man’s departure.>
[17:25] <@Anne_Montelepre> “So he’s still in the room?”
06[17:31] * @Wraxian shrugs one shoulder, her eyes fluttering up beneath her dark lashes for a moment, before she shakes her head slightly. “I am unable ri ywkj, Svmw Montelepre.”
[17:32] <@Baelic_Gothenberg> That would appear to be so.
[17:35] <@Hector`> Jus’ means that the cameras didn’t see him leave. Don’t mean he’s still there.
[17:35] <@Hector`> He could’ve gone all Mission Impossible and shit…
06[17:36] * @Hector` looks outside to the howling hailstorm. “… or maybe not.”
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Generation S – Issue #078 – Publication 06.16.14

01[17:32] <@Storyteller> <After a somewhat eventful check-in process, the rest of the evening concluded without serious (public) incident. A new morning dawns, though the storm darkening their normally stunning views from their presidential suites and shared gathering space rages yet unabated, every so often a loud PING of a particularly large stone of the ice or actual rock variety striking and rebounding off of their glass housing. Whether by the sheer largess of the hotel for having guests of whatever caliber they are believed to be, or someone actually ordering suite-service, a breakfast buffet the size of which would normally feed an entire guest hall is set up near the kitchen-ish area of the shared gathering space, full of scrambled eggs, various proteins, grits, bacon, oatmeal, a few breakfast sandwiches, bacon, pancakes, and bacon. There is a small waffle and omelet station attached, but perhaps for the best, it is currently unmanned by hotel staff.>
06[17:35] * @Anne_Montelepre is, needless to say, already here, her gentle shaking of Chris and zombie-like mumble of “foooood…” her only explanation.
06[17:36] * @ChristopherG is already in the shared space, wearing a pair of plaid boxers and arranging the bread, egg, and cheese from two sammiches into one.
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Generation S PA: Baelic and Maeve – A Little Bird Told Me

06[17:13] * @Baelic_Gothenberg stepped into his suite, taking in just how pompish and massive it is but only just long enough before his Military training kicked in. Sweeping the area for bugs and listening devices and making use of his Scion eyes and trusty Binoculars to survey as much of the area that he can see from the windows. He was technically in enemy territory after all.
[17:28] <@Logicalmob> The streets are relatively empty, as one might expect with intermittent flurries of sand and baseball-sized hail whipping through the city. However, he can see at least one person approaching the Fairmont at a fast walk, though the full-sized umbrella in her right hand and shopping bag cradled in her left arm obscures most of her…until the wind shifts, suddenly and violently. instantly
[17:28] <@Logicalmob> turning the umbrella inside-out. From his vantage point, Baelic can make out a diminutive red-headed girl, his age or younger, and practically hear her swearing as she abandons all pretense, lets the now-ruined umbrella be swept away by the wind, and sprints for the lobby.
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Generation S – Issue #077 – What Happens In Cairo… – Publication 05.26.14

01[17:21] <@Storyteller> <Anyone risking any sort of glance back, as they are heavily encourage to flee, may find that the spotlight of moonlight shrinking steadily inwards on the beauty in its center. She stands still and serene, her lips moving in silence as works her magics- or just prays.>
06[17:23] * @Hector` doesn’t look back. He runs like hell, December’s hand glued to his.
06[17:24] * @Shinjiro-kun spares a glance back as he takes the steps five at a time.
06[17:25] * @Baelic_Gothenberg makes his footsies and legs move as fast as he could, choosing to not waste any time or energy in looking back.
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Generation S – Issue #076 : Fulcrum – Publication 05.21.14

01[16:55] <@Storyteller> <Maybe it echoes in the far bigger on the inside capsule/compartment/thing, or maybe the older man’s words just hold that much power and reverberate so strongly through their skulls that is seems like it, or maybe this is just what happens at the beginning of a new episode where all the stuff from the last episode gets played out again so you remember what happened. Either way, those last two words hang heavily in the air…… ‘of Atlantis.’>
06[16:57] * @December makes a soft, antagonized yip of surprise, gaping in the man’s direction.
06[16:57] * @Hector` matches December, measure for measure, right down to the yip of surprise.
06[16:59] * @Chris_Gravier blinks several times, turning in very slow circles.
[17:00] <@Chris_Gravier> This is a real fucking elaborate prank… that or I might do excited I pee myself.
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Generation S – Issue #075 – Publication 05.05.14

01[17:39] <@Storyteller> <Those who pass through the (perhaps comfortingly, not golden-lighted) portal at the base of the displaced Obelisk are greeted by any bibliophile’s version of the you-did-good afterlife. The door behind them disappears with the last person through, and before and around them stretches what might be miles and acres (maybe even cubits) of parchment, tomes, scrolls, mass media paperbacks, hardcovers, giant leather bound volumes nearly as tall as they are, endless shelving with no sense of beginning or ending, but most certainly a very precise impression of very strict order and placement. Not too far off, the two twin sphinxes, looking significantly less daunting and slightly more just-put-in-their-places grumpy, each flipping idly through a small volume and determinedly Not Paying Attention to the newcomers. Their hostess, for the moment, isn’t visible or obvious.>
06[17:41] * @Anne_Montelepre looks around, still visibly irritated by the earlier conversation.
[17:42] <@Anne_Montelepre> “I would assume this is the place.”
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Generation S – Issue #074 – Publication 04.24.14

06[16:41] * @Wraxian glances towards the open back end of the truck as the others call to Madison, sparing it only a moment of attention before she extracts the tiny Nemean beast from her shoulder, lifting him with her palms against his sides and her thumbs beneath his forelimbs, plopping him on a plush little section of her workspace, lightly stroking her fingers down from between his ears to his tail a few times before her attention seems to haze again. None of this makes her look like a supervillain. None of it.
06[16:45] * Maddy blinks a few times, then gathers his things and joins his friends. He has an odd air of determination and melancholy about him.
06[16:46] * @Hector` settles back into his chair, strapping in.
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Generation S – Issue #073 – Publication 04.17.14

01[17:09] <@Storyteller> <After a great deal of soul (or perhaps that was wahoo and gogool) searching, results have certainly been mixed. Nevertheless night still turns to day as it is wont even within the odd world of the Terra Incognita…>
01[17:10] <@Storyteller> <The time is 0700 TIST, the next day.>
06[17:12] * @Anne_Montelepre , perhaps because of her conversation with Chris, or maybe because she finally has a comfortable buffer for her comic, actually indulges in some sleep for a change, and is still softly snoring away.
06[17:15] * @Hector` descends the stairs, a few square-shaped imprints on his face noting that he caught his last few Zs in front of a computer. He also has some notes in his arms, as well as his Thunderbolt, and is moving for the kitchen / lounge area to look for signs of life.
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