Journal Entry #337

Maddy lay stretched out on the lounger at the foot of Wraxian’s rope ladder. The sheets draped over the cushion towers surrounding him left an odd glow across his sleeping face, and the open journal that lay across his lap…
((The following contains graphic description and offensive language.))

A moment
a pause in time
it’s quiet
and then he’s kissing me
warm soft lips
pressed to mine
and I’m confused
but I know it feels good

he’s holding me
tight to his chest
one hand in my hair
the other on my hip
then touching me
my hardness in his palm

I cannot think
I cannot feel
anything but him
my heart is racing


then it stops


a blow lands across my face
a word
just like another hit
knocks the breath out of me


blood spreads beneath the skin


black and blue


a rainbow across my face
a boot in my ribs
then again

I cannot think
I cannot feel
anything but this
the pain shooting through me
my head snaps back
jaw is broken
lip is bleeding

He took my moment

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